Computer Sciences Department
Operating Systems Depth Exam
| | Fall 1998
There are seven questions on this exam;
answer any six of the following seven questions.
This exam has three (3) pages.
Question 1. Swap Space:
- 1A.
What is "swap space" (or backing store)?
- 1B.
Swap space can be allocated as a special region (partition) on the disk
or it could be a special file.
Describe the advantages and disadvantages of these two approaches.
Be sure to discuss issues related to performance, functionality,
and cleanliness of design.
Question 2. Checkpointing:
Consider a checkpoint facility in an operating system.
Such a facility would save the state of a running program so that it could
continue execution on a different host from the one on which it was
previously running.
Assume that this facility is built into the operating system kernel.
- 2A.
Given a conventional UNIX system (Solaris, Linux, etc.), describe what
process state needs to be saved to checkpoint a running process?
- 2B.
Ideally, the stopped process should not be able to know that it has been
checkpointed and restarted.
Describe how process ID's (pids) and clocks can make transparent checkpointing
more difficult.
Can these problems be fixed?
- 2C.
Many programs use sockets and pipes for communication.
What problems arise when you want to checkpoint and restart such programs?
Question 3. Authenication:
The Kerberos authentication service produces
that a client can use to authenticate itself to a service.
Each administrative domain (such as the Computer Sciences Department)
runs its own Kerberos service to provide authentication to its services.
Assume that two domains wanted to cooperate, so that each domain could
give access (i.e., tickets) to limited services in the other domain.
- 3A.
How would the two domains initially authenticate each other? Identify
which services would be available to the other domain.
- 3B.
Under this cooperating-domain scenario, describe how client c in
domain 1 can request a ticket to a service s in domain 2.
Consider whether c should contact its local ticket-granting service
or directly contact the TGS in domain 2.
Question 4. Polling vs. Signals:
Control programs need to test conditions in the outside world that
occur at arbitrary times, usually without waiting for one to occur.
For example, a network server program must check for new connections
while continuing to service existing clients, and a microprocessor-based
motor control must check for control signals (e.g., stop!) while
monitoring and adjusting the speed of a motor.
- 4A.
Discuss the relative merits of polling for events vs. asynchronous
notification that events have occurred.
Consider performance issues and
the impact on overall program structure.
- 4B.
A thread schduler may need to schedule threads that may be polling and/or
waiting for asynchronous events (such as interrupts, signals or I/O events).
How does this complicate the responsibility of the scheduler to make efficient
use of system resources?
How can the threads help the scheduler do a better job?
Question 5. File Systems:
- 5A.
What are the problems of Berkeley Fast File System that motivated the
Log-Structured File System?
- 5B.
Outline the design of the Log-Structured File System.
- 5C.
Unfortunately, Log-Structured File System has not been very successful
commercially. Rather, some commercial file systems log metadata changes
only, and use the traditional Fast File System algorithms to manage data
blocks. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of this metadata-logging
approach compared with the Log-Structured File System.
Question 6. Networking:
- 6A.
The protocol used by the World Wide Web, HTTP, is built on top of TCP.
Everytime a browser contacts a Web server, it establishes a TCP connection,
sends the request, waits for the response, then closes the connection.
Describe the performance problems of building HTTP on top of TCP.
- 6B.
To ensure cache consistency, most Web browsers poll the Web server every time
a cached copy of a page is visited. Assume that a Web page U never changes, and
U's size is 10KB. If U is cached at a browser that uses the polling
approach for cache consistency, what percentage of network packets to the Web
server would the Web cache reduce? State any assumptions you need to make
to answer this question.
- 6C.
Suggest two approaches other than polling for Web cache consistency. You can borrow
ideas from distributed file system research. Discuss the pros and cons of the two
approaches versus the polling approach.
Question 7. Deadlock:
- 7A.
Define the term "deadlock".
There are four conditions that must hold before deadlock is possible. Name
- 7B.
Outline an algorithm that detects whether there is a deadlock.
The algorithm should be able to cope with multiple resource classes, each of
which has some limited number of units available.
- 7C.
When should the algorithm be invoked? The answer to this question depends on
the characteristics of the system to which it is to be applied, such as the rate of
resource requests, the granularity of resources, and the expected rate of deadlock.
List three possible choices and discuss the criteria you would use to choose
among them.