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SDL grammar rules are presented at the start of many of the following
They are also collected in Appendix A.
The notation is an extended form of BNF, with
``regular expressions''
allowed on the right-hand side.
Terminal symbols (tokens) are represented by upper-case words or strings
enclosed in single quotes.
Non-terminal symbols (syntax classes) are denoted by lower-case words.
Grammar operators are as follows.
- word : spec
--word is defined to be an instance of spec
- spec +
--one or more instances of spec
- spec *
--zero or more instances of spec
- spec1 spec2
--an instance of spec1 followed by an instance of spec2
- spec1 spec2
--an instance of spec1 or an instance of spec2
- [ spec ]
--an optional instance of spec
- ( spec )
--an instance of spec
The postfix operators `+' and `*'
have higher precedence than concatenation, which has higher precedence
than `'.
Colon (`:') has the lowest precedence of all.
Parentheses are used to override these precedences as appropriate.
Indentation is used to indicate continuation of a grammar rule over multiple
A standard BNF grammar (acceptable to YACC or Bison) is given in Appendix B.
Marvin Solomon
Fri Aug 2 13:39:38 CDT 1996