This section contains a version of the SDL grammar that is somewhat less readable than the version in Appendix A, but which can be directly processed by YACC (or Bison). It is automatically generated from the version in Appendix A.
specification: module_list ; module: MODULE ID '{' mod_export_list mod_import_list module_member_list '}' SEMICOLON_opt ; mod_export: EXPORT ID_or_ALL ';' ; mod_import: USE module_name AS_ID_opt ';' | IMPORT module_name ';' ; module_name: STRING_LITERAL ; module_member: const_dcl ';' | type_dcl ';' | interface_dcl ';' ; scoped_name: ID COLON_COLON_ID_list ; interface_dcl: INTERFACE ID interface_body_opt ; interface_body: inheritance_opt '{' interface_dcls '}' ; inheritance: ':' parent COMMA_parent_list ; parent: access_spec scoped_name ; access_spec: PRIVATE | PROTECTED | PUBLIC ; interface_dcls: access_spec_COLON_interface_members_list ; interface_members: interface_member_list ; interface_member: const_dcl ';' | type_dcl ';' | attr_dcl ';' | relationship_dcl ';' | op_dcl ';' | override ';' ; override: OVERRIDE scoped_name COMMA_scoped_name_list ; const_dcl: CONST const_type ID '=' const_exp ; const_type: integer_type | boolean_type | floating_pt_type | STRING | type_name ; integer_type: UNSIGNED_opt LONG_or_SHORT ; boolean_type: BOOLEAN ; floating_pt_type: FLOAT | DOUBLE ; const_exp: exp1 BAR_exp1_list ; exp1: exp2 CARET_exp2_list ; exp2: exp3 AND_exp3_list ; exp3: exp4 shift_op_exp4_list ; exp4: exp5 add_op_exp5_list ; exp5: exp6 mul_op_exp6_list ; exp6: unary_op_opt atom ; atom: const_name | literal | '(' const_exp ')' ; shift_op: LESS_LESS | GREATER_GREATER ; add_op: '+' | '-' ; mul_op: '*' | '/' | '%' ; unary_op: '+' | '-' | '~' ; literal: INTEGER_CONSTANT | STRING_LITERAL | CHARACTER_CONSTANT | FLOATING_CONSTANT | TRUE | FALSE ; const_name: scoped_name ; type_dcl: TYPEDEF type_spec declarators | struct_type | union_type | enum_type | external_type ; type_spec: simple_type | constructed_type ; simple_type: atomic_type | string_type | enum_type | ref_type | type_name ; constructed_type: struct_type | union_type | sequence_type ; atomic_type: floating_pt_type | integer_type | char_type | boolean_type | octet_type | any_type ; type_name: scoped_name ; declarators: declarator COMMA_declarator_list ; declarator: ID array_size_opt ; array_size: '[' positive_int_const ']' ; positive_int_const: const_exp ; octet_type: OCTET ; char_type: CHAR ; any_type: ANY ; struct_type: STRUCT ID struct_body_opt ; struct_body: '{' struct_member_list '}' ; struct_member: type_spec declarators ';' ; union_type: UNION ID union_body_opt ; union_body: SWITCH '(' discriminator ')' '{' case_list '}' ; discriminator: scalar_type ID ; scalar_type: integer_type | char_type | boolean_type | enum_type | type_name ; case: case_label_list1 type_spec_declarators_SEMICOLON_list1 ; case_label: CASE const_exp ':' | DEFAULT ':' ; enum_type: ENUM ID '{' ID COMMA_ID_list '}' ; sequence_type: SEQUENCE '<' type_name COMMA_positive_int_const_opt '>' ; string_type: STRING LESS_positive_int_const_GREATER_opt ; external_type: EXTERNAL external_qualifier ID ; external_qualifier: TYPEDEF | CLASS | ENUM | UNION | STRUCT ; attr_dcl: INDEXABLE_opt ATTRIBUTE type_spec declarators ; type_spec: INDEX '<' simple_type_spec ',' simple_type_spec '>' ; ref_type: local_ref | remote_ref ; local_ref: LREF '<' type_name '>' ; remote_ref: ref_kind '<' type_name '>' ; ref_kind: REF | SET | BAG | LIST ; relationship_dcl: RELATIONSHIP ref_kind '<' type_name '>' INVERSE_scoped_name_opt ORDERED_BY_scoped_name_opt ; op_dcl: result_type ID '(' parameters_opt ')' CONST_opt ; result_type: type_spec | VOID ; parameters: parameter COMMA_parameter_list ; parameter: mode type_spec declarator ; mode: IN | OUT | INOUT ; module_list: module_list module | /* empty */ ; mod_export_list: mod_export_list mod_export | /* empty */ ; mod_import_list: mod_import_list mod_import | /* empty */ ; module_member_list: module_member_list module_member | /* empty */ ; SEMICOLON_opt: ';' | /* empty */ ; ID_or_ALL: ID | ALL ; AS_ID_opt: AS ID | /* empty */ ; COLON_COLON_ID_list: COLON_COLON_ID_list COLON_COLON ID | /* empty */ ; interface_body_opt: interface_body | /* empty */ ; inheritance_opt: inheritance | /* empty */ ; COMMA_parent_list: COMMA_parent_list ',' parent | /* empty */ ; access_spec_COLON_interface_members_list: access_spec_COLON_interface_members_list access_spec ':' interface_members | /* empty */ ; interface_member_list: interface_member_list interface_member | /* empty */ ; COMMA_scoped_name_list: COMMA_scoped_name_list ',' scoped_name | /* empty */ ; UNSIGNED_opt: UNSIGNED | /* empty */ ; LONG_or_SHORT: LONG | SHORT ; BAR_exp1_list: BAR_exp1_list '|' exp1 | /* empty */ ; CARET_exp2_list: CARET_exp2_list '^' exp2 | /* empty */ ; AND_exp3_list: AND_exp3_list '&' exp3 | /* empty */ ; shift_op_exp4_list: shift_op_exp4_list shift_op exp4 | /* empty */ ; add_op_exp5_list: add_op_exp5_list add_op exp5 | /* empty */ ; mul_op_exp6_list: mul_op_exp6_list mul_op exp6 | /* empty */ ; unary_op_opt: unary_op | /* empty */ ; COMMA_declarator_list: COMMA_declarator_list ',' declarator | /* empty */ ; array_size_opt: array_size | /* empty */ ; struct_body_opt: struct_body | /* empty */ ; struct_member_list: struct_member_list struct_member | /* empty */ ; union_body_opt: union_body | /* empty */ ; case_list: case_list case | /* empty */ ; case_label_list1: case_label_list1 case_label | case_label ; type_spec_declarators_SEMICOLON_list1: type_spec_declarators_SEMICOLON_list1 type_spec declarators ';' | type_spec declarators ';' ; COMMA_ID_list: COMMA_ID_list ',' ID | /* empty */ ; COMMA_positive_int_const_opt: ',' positive_int_const | /* empty */ ; LESS_positive_int_const_GREATER_opt: '<' positive_int_const '>' | /* empty */ ; INDEXABLE_opt: INDEXABLE | /* empty */ ; INVERSE_scoped_name_opt: INVERSE scoped_name | /* empty */ ; ORDERED_BY_scoped_name_opt: ORDERED_BY scoped_name | /* empty */ ; parameters_opt: parameters | /* empty */ ; CONST_opt: CONST | /* empty */ ; COMMA_parameter_list: COMMA_parameter_list ',' parameter | /* empty */ ;