track eCLIP-seq_rep1 bigDataUrl rep1.afterTrimming.mapped_ACA.sorted.bam shortLabel TDP43-UGtail-rescuedReads-rep1 longLabel TDP43-UGtail-rescuedReads-rep1 color 204,0,0 visibility full type bam track eCLIP-seq_rep2 bigDataUrl rep2.afterTrimming.mapped_ACA.sorted.bam shortLabel TDP43-UGtail-rescuedReads-rep2 longLabel TDP43-UGtail-rescuedReads-rep2 color 0,0,204 visibility full type bam track TARDBP+ compositeTrack on shortLabel TARDBP plus longLabel shRNA and eCLIP (target: TARDBP) plus strand maxHeightPixels 100:48:8 visibility full autoScale on type bigWig allButtonPair on track CLIP1+ bigDataUrl ENCFF569LQN.bigWig shortLabel CLIP1+ longLabel CLIP rep1 + autoScale on color 252,141,98 visibility full graphTypeDefault bar parent TARDBP+ on type bigWig track CLIP2+ bigDataUrl ENCFF435YMY.bigWig shortLabel CLIP2+ longLabel CLIP rep2 + autoScale on color 252,141,98 visibility full graphTypeDefault bar parent TARDBP+ on type bigWig track KD1+ bigDataUrl ENCFF807JSC.bigWig shortLabel KD1+ longLabel KD rep1 + autoScale on color 102,194,165 visibility full graphTypeDefault bar parent TARDBP+ on type bigWig track KD2+ bigDataUrl ENCFF461ZYL.bigWig shortLabel KD2+ longLabel KD rep2 + autoScale on color 102,194,165 visibility full graphTypeDefault bar parent TARDBP+ on type bigWig track WT1+ bigDataUrl ENCFF330WHZ.bigWig shortLabel WT1+ longLabel WT rep1 + autoScale on color 141,160,203 visibility full graphTypeDefault bar parent TARDBP+ on type bigWig track WT2+ bigDataUrl ENCFF464VII.bigWig shortLabel WT2+ longLabel WT rep2 + autoScale on color 141,160,203 visibility full graphTypeDefault bar parent TARDBP+ on type bigWig track TARDBP- compositeTrack on shortLabel TARDBP minus longLabel shRNA and eCLIP (target: TARDBP) minus strand maxHeightPixels 100:48:8 visibility full autoScale on type bigWig allButtonPair on track CLIP1- bigDataUrl ENCFF242QQJ.bigWig shortLabel CLIP1- longLabel CLIP rep1 - autoScale on color 252,141,98 visibility full graphTypeDefault bar parent TARDBP- on type bigWig track CLIP2- bigDataUrl ENCFF979RKC.bigWig shortLabel CLIP2- longLabel CLIP rep2 - autoScale on color 252,141,98 visibility full graphTypeDefault bar parent TARDBP- on type bigWig track KD1- bigDataUrl ENCFF162PAG.bigWig shortLabel KD1- longLabel KD rep1 - autoScale on color 102,194,165 visibility full graphTypeDefault bar parent TARDBP- on type bigWig track KD2- bigDataUrl ENCFF020DDC.bigWig shortLabel KD2- longLabel KD rep2 - autoScale on color 102,194,165 visibility full graphTypeDefault bar parent TARDBP- on type bigWig track WT1- bigDataUrl ENCFF297ZOE.bigWig shortLabel WT1- longLabel WT rep1 - autoScale on color 141,160,203 visibility full graphTypeDefault bar parent TARDBP- on type bigWig track WT2- bigDataUrl ENCFF071GCX.bigWig shortLabel WT2- longLabel WT rep2 - autoScale on color 141,160,203 visibility full graphTypeDefault bar parent TARDBP- on type bigWig track peaks compositeTrack on shortLabel TARDBP peaks longLabel TARDBP raw eCLIP peaks maxHeightPixels 100:48:8 visibility full autoScale on type bigBed allButtonPair on track peak1 bigDataUrl ENCFF022DCK.bigBed shortLabel peak1 longLabel CLIP peaks 1 autoScale on color 252,141,98 visibility full graphTypeDefault bar parent peaks on type bigBed track peak2 bigDataUrl ENCFF118WWO.bigBed shortLabel peak2 longLabel CLIP peaks 2 autoScale on color 252,141,98 visibility full graphTypeDefault bar parent peaks on type bigBed