Chapter 9 -- procedures

All about Procedures

an introduction to procedures

why have procedures?
  -- reuse of code simplifies program writing
  -- modular code facilitates modification
  -- allows different programmers to write different parts of the
     same program
  -- etc.

Assembly languages typically provide little or no support for
  procedure implementation.

So, we get to build a mechanism for implementing procedures out
of what we already know.

First, some terms and what we need.

       x := larger(a, b);      CALL
                  HEADER     PARAMETERS
      function larger (one, two: integer): integer;
	 if ( one > two ) then
	   larger := one;             BODY
	   larger := two

Steps in the execution of the procedure:
    1. save return address
    2. procedure call
    3. execute procedure
    4. return

   what is return address?        instruction following call

   what is procedure call?        jump or branch to first instruction
				  in the procedure

   what is return?                jump or branch to return address

MAL implementation of SAL procedure call:

	   la  $5, rtn1
	   b proc1                 # one procedure call
     rtn1: # next instruction here
	   la  $5, rtn2
	   b proc1                 # another procedure call
     rtn2: # next instruction here


   proc1:    # 1st instruction of procedure here
	     jr $5

jr is a new instruction --
      It does an unconditional branch to the address contained
      in the register specified.


MIPS R2000 (MAL, actually) provides a convenient instruction for procedure
	    jal  procname

    does 2 things
     1.  it places the address of the instruction following it
	 into register $31.  (The choice of 31 is arbitrary, but
     2.  it branches to the address given by the label (procname).

the example re-written:

             jal proc1
	     jal proc1

   proc1:    # 1st instruction of procedure here
	     jr $31

one problem with this scheme.  What happens if a procedure
calls itself (recursion), or if a procedure calls another
procedure (nesting) (using jal)?

       The value in register $31 gets overwritten with each
       jal instruction.  Return addresses are lost.  This
       is an unrecoverable error!

What is needed to handle this problem is to have a way to
save return addresses as they are generated.  For a recursive
subroutine, it is not known ahead of time how many times
the subroutine will be called.  This data is generated
dynamically; while the program is running.

The best way to save dynamically generated data is on a stack.

  A stack is so frequently used in implementing procedure call/return,
  that many computer systems predefine a stack, the SYSTEM STACK.

  STATIC -- can be defined when program is written (compile time)
  DYNAMIC -- is defined when a program is executed (run time)

      in this case, it is the amount of storage that cannot be
      determined until run time.

  The size of the system stack is very large.  In theory, it should
  be infinitely large.  In practice, it must have a size limit.

 address  |         |
    0     | your    |
          | program |
          | here    |
          |         |
          |         |
          |         |
          |         |
          |         |
          | system  |  / \
  very    | stack   |   |  grows towards smaller addresses
 large    | here    |   |


       Some people say that this stack grows DOWN in memory.
       This means that the stack grows towards smaller memory
       addresses.  Their picture would show address 0 at the
       bottom (unlike my picture).

       DOWN and UP are vague terms, unless you know what the
       picture looks like.

 The MIPS system stack is defined to grow towards smaller
 addresses, and the stack pointer points to an empty location
 at the top of the stack.  The stack pointer is register $29,
 also called $sp, and it is defined before program execution

 push, in MAL:

    sw   $?, ($sp)       # the ? is replaced by whateger register
    sub  $sp, $sp, 4     # contains the data to be pushed.


    sub  $sp, $sp, 4
    sw   $?, 4($sp)

 pop, in MAL:
    add $sp, $sp, 4    # the ? is replace by a register number
    lw  $?, ($sp)


    lw  $?, 4($sp)
    add $sp, $sp, 4

  NOTE:  if $29 is used for any other purpose, then the stack pointer
         is lost.

An example of using the system stack to save return addresses:

     jal doit
     jal doit

doit:  sw $31, ($sp)       # save return address
       sub $sp, $sp, 4

       jal another         # this would overwrite the return
                           # address if it had not been saved.

       add $sp, $sp, 4     # restore return address
       lw $31, ($sp)
       jr $31


from a compiler's point of view, there are a bunch of things
that should go on the stack relating to procedure call/return.
They include:
     return address (register)
     other various registers

Each procedure has different requirements for numbers of
  parameters, their size, and how many registers (which ones)
  will need to be saved on the stack.  So, we compose a
  STACK FRAME or ACTIVATION RECORD that is specific to a

Space for a stack frame gets placed on the stack each time
a procedure is called, and taken off the stack each time a
return occurs.  These stack frames are pushed/popped
DYNAMICALLY (while the program is running).

  jal  A
  jal  B

A:  jal C
    jal D
    jr $31

B:  jal D
    jr $31

C:  jal E
    jr $31

D:  jr $31

E:  jr $31

              show stack for a trace through this calling sequence


parameter passing.

parameter = argument

Just as there is little/no support for implementing procedures
in many assembly languages, there is little/no support for passing
parameters to those procedures.

Remember, when it comes to the implementation,
	 --  convention
	 --  its up to the programmer to follow the conventions

Passing parameters means getting data into a place set aside
for the parameters.  Both the calling program and the procedure
need to know where the parameters are.

	The calling program places them there, and possibly uses
	values returned by the procedure.  The procedure uses
	the parameters.

Simplest mechanism -- registers

the calling program puts the parameter(s) into specific registers,
and the procedure uses them.


	add  $4, $20, $0     # put parameter in register 4
	jal decrement
	move $20, $4         # recopy parameter to its correct place.
   decrement:   add  $4, $4, -1
		jr $31

Notes:   -- This is a trivial example, since the procedure is 1 line
	 -- Why not just use $20 within the procedure?
		1. convention -- parameters are passed in specific registers.
                2. same procedure could be used to decrement the value
		   in other registers -- just copy the value to register $4
		   first, and copy it out afterwards.

MIPS convention -- when passing parameters in registers,
the first 4 parameters are passed in registers $4-7.
  Then, any and all procdures use those registers for their parameters.

If there are nested subroutine calls, and registers $4-7 are
used for parameters, the values would be lost (just like the
return address would lost for  'jal' if not saved).  There are
2 possible solutions.

  1.  For non-recursive nested calls, each procedure has associated
  with it a section of memory.  Before a nested call is made,
  the parameters are stored in that memory.  After the return
  from the nested call, the values are restored.

  2.  For recursive calls, parameters are stored on the stack before
  a nested call.   After the return from the nested call, the
  parameters are restored.

  here's a general layout of how this second option is used
  (with 4 or fewer parameters):

	subroutine layout:
	    push return address on stack

	    subroutine calculations

	    to set up a call to subroutine2,
	       push current parameters (in $4-7) on stack
	       set up parameters to subroutine2 in $4-7
	       call subroutine2 (jal subr2)
	       copy any return values out of $4-7
	       pop current parameters from stack back to $4-7

	    more subroutine calculations

	    pop return address from stack
	    return (jr $31)


more about parameter passing.

  a trivial example that contains nested calls, so saves
  current parameters on the stack:

  # a set of procedures that do the following,
  # if a < b, then switch a with b and decrement both

  # a is in register 20
  # b is in register 21


            sub $8, $20, $21
	    bgtz $8, othercode
	    move $4, $20           # place parameters in registers
	    move $5, $21    
	    jal s_and_d
	    move $20, $4           # copy out return values
	    move $21, $5    


 # switch is a procedure to switch its 2 parameters, and then
 #   decrement each of the 2 parameters
 #   $4 -- first parameter
 #   $5 -- second parameter
 #   $8 -- temporary for switching
 s_and_d:   sw $31, 0($sp)        # save return address on stack
	    addi $sp, $sp, -4

	    add $8, $4, $0        # switch the 2 parameters
	    add $4, $5, $0
	    add $5, $8, $0

	    jal decrement         # the value to decrement is already
				  # in $4.
	    sw $4, 0($sp)         # push current parameter on stack
	    addi $sp, $sp, -4
	    add $4, $5, $0        # set up parameter in $4
	    jal decrement
	    add $5, $4, $0        # copy return value
	    addi $sp, $sp, 4      # pop current parameter off stack
	    lw $4, 0($sp)

	    addi $sp, $sp, 4      # pop return address off stack
	    lw $31, 0($sp)
	    jr $31

# procedure decrement subtracts 1 from its parameter
#   $4 -- parameter to be decremented
decrement:  addi $4, $4, -1
	    jr $31

Summary and other ideas:
 1.  use registers 
     + easy, and don't have to store data in memory (faster)
     - limited number of registers
     - doesn't work for recursion, and must be careful when 
       using it where there are nested subroutines
 2. use some registers, and place the rest on the stack
     + since many procedures have few parameters, get the advantages
       of (1) most of the time.
     - lots of "data shuffling"
 3. put all parameters on the stack (an unsophisticated compiler might
    do this)
     + simple, clean method (easy to implement)
     - lots of stack operations (meaning slow, since the stack is in
 4. put parameters in memory set aside for them
     + simple, clean method
     - lots of memory operations (slow)
     - doesn't work for recursion

Note: whatever you do, try to be consistant.  Don't use all 4 methods
      in the same program.  (Its poor style.)

New problem:
  What happens if you've got lots of variables, and your procedure
  runs out of registers to put them in.  This occurs when you are
  following the conventions for register usage, and you shouldn't
  overwrite the values in certain registers.

  Most common solution:  store register values temporarily on the

a note on parameter passing --
  a HLL specifies rules for passing parameters.  There are basically
  2 types of parameters.

  Note that a language can offer 1 or both types.

    call by value -- what C has.  In Pascal, these are parameters
	declared without the var in front of the variable name.
	Fortran doesn't have this type of parameter.

	The parameter passed may not be modified by the procedure.
	This can be implemented by passing a copy of the value.
	What call by value really implies is that the procedure can
	modify the value (copy) passed to it, but that the value
	is not changed outside the scope of the procedure.

    call by reference -- what Fortran has.  In Pascal, these are
        "var type" parameters.

	The parameter passed to the subroutine can be modified,
	and the modification is seen outside the scope of the
	subroutine.  It is sort of like having access to global

There are many ways of implementing these 2 variable types.
If call by value is the only parameter type allowed, how
can we implement a reference type parameter?
   Pass the address of the variable as the parameter.  Then
   access to the variable is made through its address.  This
   is what is done in C.

what the mechanisms should look like from the compiler's
point of view:


   call setup
   procedure call
   return cleanup
procedure:  prologue



  allocate a stack frame
     move $sp to give enough space for the procedure's frame
  place parameters into stack frame
  save registers (could go in prologue)

  save return address in stack frame
  copy needed parameters from stack into registers
  save registers (could go in call setup)

  restore (copy) return address from stack frame into $31
  restore registers from stack frame (if saved in prologue)

  copy needed return values and parameters from $4-7 or stack
     frame to correct places
  restore registers from stack frame (if saved in call setup)
  de-allocate stack frame
     move $sp so the space for the procedure's frame is gone