Chapter 14 -- Architectures


factors in computer design:
       as fast as possible, of course
       dependent on technology and cost
       profit, non-profit, mass market, single use
       shared/single user, size of machine, OS/software issues,
       power requirements
       depends on intended use!
   intended market
       mass market, scientific research, home use, multiple users,
       instructional, application specific

price/performance curve

       ^  |
 perf. |  |         x
          |           x          Want to be to the "left"  of these,
          |      x               to have higher performance for the
          |                      price.  "More bang for the buck."
          |    x   x
		    price ->

technology -- a perspective

    electromechanical (1930) -- used mechanical relays

    vacuum tubes (1945)
      space requirement:  room
          Manchester Mark 1 (late 1940s)

      discrete (late 1950s)
         space requirement:  a large cabinet to a room
	    CDC 6600
	    B 5000
	    Atlas (?)
	    PDP 11/10

      SSI,    MSI (mid-late 1960s)
      1-10   10-100 transistors
         space requirement:  a cabinet
	   Cray 1
	   VAX 11/780

      LSI   (early 1970s)
      100-10,000 transistors
         space requirement:  a board

      VLSI  (late 1970s - today)
      >10,000 transistors
         space requirement:  a chip, or chip set, board
	    MIPS R2000
	    Intel 386 (~275,000 transistors)



 RISC - Reduced Instruction Set Computer
   The term was first used to name a research architecture at
   Berkeley:  the RISC microprocessor.  It has come to (loosely) mean a
   single chip processor that has the following qualities:
     1. load/store architecture
     2. very few addressing modes
     3. simple instructions
     4. pipelined implementation
     5. small instruction set -- easily decoded instructions
     6. fixed-size instructions

 CISC - Complex Instruction Set Computer
   This term was coined to distinguish computers that were not RISC.
   It generally is applied to computers that have the following
     1. complex instructions
     2. large instruction set
     3. many addressing modes

difficulties with these terms

 - not precisely defined

 - term introduced/applied to earlier machines

 - "RISC" has become a marketing tool

single chip constraint

As technologies advanced, it became possible to put a processor
 on a single VLSI chip.  Designs became driven by how much
 (how many transistors) could go on the 1 chip.

 Why?  1.  The time it takes for an electrical signal to cross a
  chip are significantly less than the time for the signal to
  get driven off the chip to somewhere else.
       2.  The number of pins available was limited.

  So, the desire is to have as little interaction of the chip
   with the outside world as possible.  It cannot be eliminated,
   but it can be minimized.

The earliest of single processors on a chip had to carefully
pick and choose what went on the chip.  Cutting-edge designs
today can fit everything but main memory on the chip.

how the world has changed
  earliest computers had their greatest difficulties in getting
  the hardware to work --
    technology difficulties 
       space requirements
       cooling requirements

  given a working computer, scientists would jump through whatever
    hoops necessary to use it.

  as hardware has gotten (much) faster and cheaper, attention has been
    diverted to software.
      IPC (inter-process communication)

1 instruction at a time isn't enough.  The technology
isn't "keeping up."  So, do more than one instruction
at a time:

  instruction level (ILP) -- pipelining
  superscalar -- more than one instruction at a time




on the 68000 Family

- released in the late 1970's
- an early "processor on a chip"
- a lot of its limitations have to do with what could fit on a VLSI
  chip in the late 1970's

 - a relatively simple set (like the MIPS) but NOT a load/store arch.
 - a two-address architecture
 - most instructions are specified in 16 bits -- fixed size.
 - tight encoding, it is difficult to distinguish opcode from operands,
   but the m.s. 4 bits are always part of the opcode.

 integer arithmetic
   different opcode for varying size data
   (add.b    add.w      add.l)
   different opcode for varying size data
 control instructions
   conditional branches, jumps
   (condition code mechanism used --  where most instructions
    had the effect of setting the condition codes)
 procedure mechanisms
   call and return instructions
 floating point ??
   (I guess not!)
 decimal string
   arithmetic presuming representation of binary coded decimal

  16 32-bit general purpose registers,
  only one is not general purpose (it is a stack pointer)
  the PC is not part of the general purpose registers

  the registers are divided up into two register files of 8,
    one is called the D (data) registers, and the other
    is called the A (address) registers.  This is a distinction
    similar to the CRAY 1.

  A7 is the stack pointer.


 word (16 bits)
 longword (32 bits)

 addresses are really their own data type.
   arithmetic on A registers is 32 bit arithmetic.  However,
   pin limitations on the VLSI chip required a reduced
   size of address.  Addresses that travel on/off chip are
   24 bits -- and the memory is byte-addressable.  So
   a 24-bit address specifies one of 16Mbyte memory locations.

each instruction operates on a fixed data type


 the number of operands for each individual instructions
 is fixed

 like the VAX, the addressing mode of an operand does not
 depend on the instruction.  To simplify things, one of the
 operands (of a 2 operand instruction) must usually come from
 the registers.

 the number/type of addressing modes is much larger than
 the MIPS, but fewer than the VAX.

 the text has a detailed discussion of the 68000 addressing modes.

  ?, they got faster as new technologies got faster.

  1 64-pin VLSI chip (a huge number of pins at that time)


the Intel iAPX 86

the 8086
 - late 1970's release
 - a one- or two- address architecture (depending on how you look
   at it)
 - part of a chip set
   pin limitations on the chips made for some unusual architectural
   design decisions.
 - compatible with earlier 8085 chip set

 a memory-to-memory architecture, sort of
 3 16-bit registers, plus an accumulator, a stack pointer, and a PC
   (plus 4 more that deal with segments)
 condition codes are set by most instructions,and are used
   in branching

 an unusual addressing scheme:
 (due to a 16-bit limitation for pins used for addresses)
   divide all of memory into fixed-size, 64K byte pieces
   call each piece a segment.

   addresses are 16 bits, and specify an offset within one of
   the segments

   4 extra registers hold segment base addresses, and an
   effective address is computed (sort of) by
    1. specifying which segment register
    2. adding the 16-bit address to the contents of the
       segment register

  this addressing scheme "cramps a programmer's style".
  code has to fit into a segment -- so does data, and
  so does a stack.

all about the Cray 1

  There has always been a drive to design the best, fastest computer in
  the world.  Whatever computer is the fastest has generally been called
  a supercomputer.

  The Cray 1 earned this honor, and was the fastest for a relatively long
  period of time.

  The man who designed the machine,  Semour Cray, is a bit of an eccentric,
  but he can get away with it because he's so good.  The Cray 1 has an
  exceptionally "clean" design, and that makes it fast.  (This is probably
  a bit exaggerated due to my bias -- the Cray 1 is probably my favorite

  Mostly my opinion:
  To make the circuitry as fast as possible, the Cray 1 took 2 paths
    1.  Physical -- a relatively "time-tested" technology was used, but
	much attention was paid to making circuits physically close
	(Semour was aware of the limits imposed by the speed of light.)
	and the technology was pushed to its limits.
    2.  Include only what was necessary, but on that, a "don't spare the
	horses" philosophy was used.
	This means that extra hardware was used (not paying attention to
	the cost) wherever it could to make the machine faster.  And, at
	the same time, any functionality that wasn't necessary (in Semour's
	opinion) was left out.  We'll see soon what that really means.
  Just remember:
    if something seems out of place to you, or some functionality of a
    computer that you think is essential and was not included in the Cray 1,
    it wasn't necessary!  And, leaving something out made the machine

  What the Cray 1 is good for:
    it was designed to be used for scientific applications that required
    lots and lots of floating point manipulations.  It wouldn't make
    a good instructional machine (don't want to hook lotsa terminals up
    to it!), and it wouldn't be much fun to try to implement a modern
    operating system on.

  How it is used:
    most often, a separate (not as fast/powerful) computer was hooked up
    as what is commonly called a host computer.  The host is where you do
    all you editing and debugging of programs.  The host also maintains a
    queue of jobs to be run on the Cray.  One by one the jobs are run, so
    the only thing that the Cray is doing is running the final jobs -- often
    with LOTS of data.  Although its operating system would allow it,
    the "multi-tasking" (had more than 1 program running simultaneously)
    ability was not often used.

 instruction set
   fixed length instructions
     either 16 or 32 bit (no variablility that depends on
      the number of operands)
   number of operands possible for an instruction
   number and kind of instructions
	     op codes are 7 bits long -- giving 128 instrucitons
	      This includes complete integer and floating point

	      Notice that missing from the instruction set are:
		  character (byte) manipulation, duplicates
		  of anything (!), integer divide, etc.

   Data representation is vastly simpified from what we've
      seen so far!  There are ONLY 2's complement integers,
      and floating point numbers!

      ALL accesses to memory are done in WORD chunks.  A word
      on the Cray 1 is 64 bits.  All instructions operate on
      a single size of data -- Either a 64 bit word, or on an
      address (24 bits).

   addressing modes (strikingly similar to MIPS)
     Register Mode.  An instruction (op code) specifies exactly where
           the data is.
     Base Displacement Mode.  Used only for load and store instructions.

     There are an ENORMOUS number of registers.
     There are 5 types of registers.

	      S registers --  'S' stands for scalar.  These are 64
	      bit regs.  They are used for all sorts of data, but
	      not addresses.  There's 8 of them.

	      T registers -- 
	      These are 64 64bit backup registers for the S registers.
	      If you were to do some heavy programming on the Cray 1,
	      you'd find these registers very useful.  This is partially
	      because you run out of S registers quickly, so you
	      need temporary storage, but don't want your program
	      to store to main memory (slow!).  There's also an
	      instruction that allows you to load a block of memory
	      to the T registers.  That's 1 instruction to do a bunch
	      of loads.

	      A registers --  'A' stands for address.  These are
	      24 bit regs.  They are used for addresses, and to a
	      rather limited extent, integer counters.

	      B registers --
	      These are backups to the A regs and are used in the
	      same manner as the T regs.

	      V registers -- 'V' stands for vector. 
	      There are 8 sets of V regs.  Each set has 64 64-bit
	      registers!  That is a lot!  They are used mainly for
	      processing large quantities of "array" data.  Their use
	      makes the Cray 1 very fast.  A single instruction that uses
	      a vector register (1 set) will cause something to happen
	      to each of the 64 registers within that set.

   hardware stack
	      no support for stack accesses at all!  There is no
	      special stack pointer register.
	      none.  There's so many registers that there isn't
	      really a need for one.

   size of machine
	     A bit bigger than 2 refridgerators.
   speed of machine
	     Significantly faster than the VAX and 68000.
	      For a while, it was the fastest machine around.

   price of machine
	     As an analogy to some very pricey restaurants:
	      If you need to see the prices on the menu, you can't
	      afford to eat there.

	      Probably about $3 million for the basic machine when
	      they first came out.

	      A Cray 1 came with a full time hardware engineer,
	      (a field service person).  Why?  Down time on a Cray
	      is very expensive due to the way they are expected to
	      be used.  Waiting for field service to come was
	      considered too expensive.
   how many instructions get executed at one time
	 its debatable.  There can be more than 1 instruction
	  at some point in its execution at 1 time.  It is a
	  pipelined machine. This can only go so far (only
	  1 new instruction can be started each clock cycle).
  complexity of ALU
	  There are actually quite a few alu's in the machine.
	  Cray calls them functional units.  Each one is a specialized
	  piece of hardware that does its own job as fast as can
	  be done.  Each of them could conceivably be working at
	  the same time.

on the VAX

The VAX was a popular and commercially successful computer
put out in the early 1970's by DEC (Digital Equipment Corp).

It might be characterized by the term CISC.
    RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computer)
    CISC (Complex Instruction Set Computer)

A CISC computer is often characterized by
  1.  many instructions
  2.  lots of addressing modes
  3.  (this one is debatable) variable length instructions
  4.  memory-to-memory architecture

Some details:

 integer arithmetic
   different opcode for varying size data
   different opcode for varying size data
 address manipulations
 bit manipulations
 control instructions
   conditional branches, jumps, looping instructions
 procedure mechanisms
   call and return instructions (there were more than 1!)
 floating point
 character string manipulations
 crc (Cyclic Redundancy Check)
 decimal string
   arithmetic presuming representation of binary coded decimal
 string edit

 overall:  more than 200 instructions

 opcodes were of variable length, but always a multiple
 of 8 -- most opcodes were specified in the first 8 bits
 of an instruction.

  16 32-bit general purpose registers,
  except that they really weren't all general purpose
    R15 is the PC -- note that the user can change the
		     PC at will!
    R14 is a stack pointer
    R13 is a frame pointer
    R12 is an argument pointer (address of where a procedure's
	  parameters are stored -- sometimes on the stack,
	  and sometimes in main memory)

 word (16 bits)
 longword (32 bits)
 quadword (64 bits)
 octaword (128 bits)

 F floating point (32 bits -- 7 bits of exponent)
 D floating point (64 bits -- 7 bits of exponent)
 G floating point (64 bits -- 10 bits of exponent)
 H floating point (128 bits -- 15 bits of exponent)

 character string (consecutive bytes in memory, specified always
		   by a starting address and the length in bytes)
 numeric string  (the ASCII codes that represent an integer)
 packed decimal string (consecutive sequence of bytes in memory
     that represent a BCD integer.  BCD digits are each in
     4-bit quantities (a "nibble")

       example:  the integer +123 is represented by
	       0001     0010   0011       1100
	       (1)      (2)    (3)        (+)
   numbering   a<7-4> a<3-0>  a+1<7-4>  a+1<3-0>

each instruction operates on a fixed data type


 the number of operands for each individual instructions
 is fixed

 the location of operands is definitely not fixed,
   they can be in memory, or registers, and the variety
   of addressing modes that specify the location of an
   operand is large!

 equivalent of  MIPS     add $2, $3, $4

    addl3  R3, R4, R2
       ||-- 3 operands
       |--- operate on a 32 bit quantity
 ( there is also  addb3, addw3,  addb2, addw2, addl2)

 (and this is just for 2's complement addition!)

 This is a VERY simple use of addressing modes.
 The syntax of operand specification allows MANY possible
   addressing modes -- every one discussed in chapter 8,
   plus more!

   for example
       addl3 (R3), R4, R2
	 uses Register Direct addressing mode for the first
	 operand --
	   the address of the first operand is in R3,
	   load the operand at the address, add to the
	   contents of R4, and place the result into R2

  The addressing mode for each operand can (an often is)
  be different!

One type addressing mode (not discussed in the text) sticks out --
auto-increment and auto-decrement
  They have the side effect of changing the address used to get
  an operand, as well as specifying an address.

    addl3 (R3)+, R4, R2
      the address of the first operand is in R3,  load
      the operand at the address, then increment the contents
      of R3 (the address), then add data loaded from memory
      to the contents of R4 and place the result into R2

      the amount added to the contents of R3 depends on the
      size of the data being operated on.  In this case, it
      will be 4 (longwords are 4 bytes)


Together with each operand is an addressing mode specification.
Each operand specification requires (at least) 1 byte.

Format for the simple  addl3 R3, R4, R2

   8-bit opcode   0101 0011    0101 0100   0101 0010
		   ^    ^       ^    ^      ^    ^
		   |    |       |    |      |    |
		   ---- | ---------- | --------- | -- mode (register = 5)
		        |            |           |
		        |------------|-----------|--- which register

Format for the     addl3 (R3), R4, R2

   8-bit opcode   0110 0011    0101 0100   0101 0010
		   ^    ^       ^    ^      ^    ^
		   |    |       |    |      |    |
		   ---- | ---------- | --------- | -- mode
		        |            |           |
		        |------------|-----------|--- which register

Each instruction has an 8-bit opcode.
There will be 1 8-bit operand specifier for each operand that
  the instruction specifies.

Because of the large number and variety of addressing modes,
an operand specification can be much more than 1 byte.
Example:  Immediates are placed directly after their specification
within the code.


  the term MIPS (millions of instructions per second) really came
  from the VAX -- 
    the VAX 11 780 ran at just about 1 MIPS
  note that this term is misleading --
    Instructions take variable times to fetch and execute,
    so the performance depends on the program

  one version:  the VAX11 750 was about the size of a large-capacity
		washing machine
  another version:  the VAX11 780 was about the size of 2 refridgerators,
		standing side by side