Chapter 10 -- assembly

MIPS floating point hardware

Floating point arithmetic could be done by hardware, or by software.
Hardware is fast, and takes up chip real estate.
Software is slow, but takes up no space (memory for the software --
  an insignificant amount)
An assembly language programmer cannot tell which is being used,
  except if calculations are quite lengthy and then there could
  be a noticeable time difference.  Software could be 100 to 1000
  (or more) times slower.

The MIPS specifies and offers a HW approach.

All the control HW and integer arithmetic HW is located on 1 VLSI
chip.  That packs it full.  So, the MIPS architecture is designed
that other chips can accept instructions and execute them.  These
other chips are called coprocessors.  The integer one is called
C0 (coprocessor 0).  One that does fl. pt. arithmetic is called
C1 (coprocessor 1).
   Alternative name:  C0 is the R2000
		      C1 is the R2010

        --------       --------
	|      |       |      |
	| C0   |       | C1   |
	|      |       |      |
        --------       --------
	   |              |
	|      |
	| MEM  |
	|      |

C1 "listens" to the instruction sequence.  It partially decodes
each instruction.  When it gets one that is meant for it to execute,
it executes it.   At the same time, C0 ignores the instruction
meant for C1 (for the correct amount of time) and then fetches
another instruction.

Just as there are registers meant for integers, there are registers
meant for floating pt. values.

  C1 has 32, 32 bit registers.
  Integer instructions have no access to these registers, just as
    fl. pt. instructions have no access to the C0 registers.

The fl. pt. registers must be used in restricted ways.  An explanation:
  to comply with the IEEE standard for fl. pt. arithmetic, the HW
  must support 2 fl. pt. types,  single precision and double precision.
  We have only discussed (and will only use) single precision.
  That means that 1 fl. pt. number fits into 1 fl. pt. register.
  And, a double precision fl. pt. number requires 2 fl. pt registers,
  since double precision numbers are 64 bits long.

  So, if a sgl. prec. number is to be stored, it is always placed
  in the least significant word of a pair of registers.

    bit   31 . . .   0
     f0  |            |
     f1  |            |
    f29  |            |
    f30  |            |
    f31  |            |

  This means that for the purposes of storing fl. pt. values in registers,
  there are only really 16. . .the even numbered ones.  You must use
  the number corresponding to which of the 32 registers it is, but only
  use even numbered ones.

Instuctions that the coprocessor has:
 fl. pt. operations

load/store instructions
     lwc1  ft, x(rb)
	  Address of data is    x + (rb)  -- note that rb is an R2000 register
	  Read the data, and place it into fl. pt. register ft.

	  Address calculation is the same.  Where the data goes is different.

move instructions

     mtc1  rt, fs
	  Move contents of R2000 register rt into fl. pt. register fs.

	  This is really a copy operation.  No translation is done.
	  It is a bit copy.

     mfc1  rt, fs
	  Move contents fl. pt. register fs into of R2000 register rt.

	  This is really a copy operation.  No translation is done.
	  It is a bit copy.

floating point arithmetic instructions

add, subtract, multiply, divide -- each specifies 3 fl. pt. registers.

convert --  single precision to double precision
	    double precision to single precision
	    2's comp. (called fixed point format) to single precision

	    These operations convert and move data within the fl. pt.

	    To do a convert like was given in SAL, must convert then
	    move, or move (from R2000) then convert.

comparison operation -- set a bit, or a set of bits based on a comparison
      such that a branch instruction can use the information.


 -- a computer understands machine code
 -- people (and compilers) write assembly language

  assembly     -----------------       machine
  source  -->  |  assembler    | -->   code
  code         -----------------

an assembler is a program -- a very deterministic program --
  it translates each instruction to its machine code.

  in the past, there was a one-to-one correspondence between
  assembly language instructions and  machine language instructions.

  this is no longer the case.  Assemblers are now-a-days made more
  powerful, and can "rework" code.

assembler starts at the top of the source code program,
and SCANS.   It looks for
  -- directives   (.data  .text  .space  .word  .byte  .float )
  -- instructions

  there are separate memory spaces for data and instructions.
  the assembler allocates them IN SEQENTIAL ORDER as it scans
  through the source code program.

  the starting addresses are fixed -- ANY program will be assembled
  to have data and instructions that start at the same address.

a1: .word 3
a2: .byte '\n'
a3: .space 5

       address     contents
     0x00001000    0x00000003
     0x00001004    0x??????0a
     0x00001008    0x????????
     0x0000100c    0x????????  (the 3 MSbytes are not part of the declaration)

  the assembler will align data to word addresses unless you specify

simple example of machine code generation for simple instruction:
     assembly language:      addi  $8, $20, 15

                              ^     ^   ^    ^
			      |     |   |    |

			    opcode rt   rs  immediate

     machine code format
      31                      15             0
      | opcode |  rs  |  rt  |  immediate     |

       opcode is 6 bits -- it is defined to be 001000

       rs is 5 bits,    encoding of 20, 10100
       rt is 5 bits,    encoding of  8, 01000
      so, the 32-bit instruction for addi $8, $20, 15  is
       001000 10100 01000 0000000000001111

       0010 0010 1000 1000 0000 0000 0000 1111
     0x  2    2   8    8    0    0    0    f



What we've discussed so far is really a simplified version
of what an assembler does.  What complicates matters is
the computations that need to be done if several files (modules)
of assembly language code are all part of the same program,
and we want to assemble them separately.

partial review:
 the assembler's job is to 
   1. assign addresses
   2. generate machine code

 a simple assembler will make 2 complete passes over the data
 to complete this task.  
    pass 1:  create complete SYMBOL TABLE
	     generate machine code for instructions other than
	       branches, jumps, jal, la, etc. (those instructions
	       that rely on an address for their machine code).
    pass 2:  complete machine code for instructions that didn't get
	     finished in pass 1.

now, for some details about MAL/MIPS and the assembler.

MAL -- the instructions accepted by the assembler
TAL -- a subset of MAL.  These are instructions that
	can be directly turned into machine code.

There are lots of MAL instructions that have no direct TAL

How to determine whether an instruction is a TAL instruction or not:

   look in appendix C.  If the instruction is there, then
   it is a TAL instruction.

The assembler takes (non MIPS) MAL instructions and synthesizes
them with 1 or more MIPS instructions.

Some examples:
    mul $8, $17, $20
    mult  $17, $20
    mflo  $8

    why?  because the MIPS architecture has 2 registers that
    hold results for integer multiplication and division.
    They are called HI and LO.  Each is a 32 bit register.

    mult places the least significant 32 bits of its result
    into LO, and the most significant into HI.

    operation of mflo, mtlo, mfhi, mthi

    addressing modes do not exist in TAL!

    lw  $8, label

    la  $8, label
    lw $8, 0($8)
      which becomes

    lui $8, 0xMSpart of label
    ori $8, $8, 0xLSpart of label
    lw $8, 0($8)

    lui $8, 0xMSpart of label
    lw $8, 0xLSpart of label($8)

    instructions with immediates are synthesized with other

    add $sp, $sp, 4
    addi $sp, $sp, 4

         because an add instruction requires 3 operands in registers.
	 addi has one instruction that is immediate.



a1: .word 3
a2: .word 16:4
a3: .word 5

__start: la $6, a2
loop:    lw $7, 4($6)
         mult $9, $10
         b loop


    Symbol table
    symbol      address
    a1         0040 0000
    a2         0040 0004
    a3         0040 0014
    __start    0080 0000
    loop       0080 0008

     memory map of data section
address     contents
	    hex          binary
0040 0000   0000 0003    0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0011 
0040 0004   0000 0010    0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0001 0000
0040 0008   0000 0010    0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0001 0000
0040 000c   0000 0010    0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0001 0000
0040 0010   0000 0010    0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0001 0000
0040 0014   0000 0005    0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0101

     translation to TAL code
__start: lui $6, 0x0040      # la $6, a2
         ori $6, $6, 0x0004
loop:    lw $7, 4($6)
         mult $9, $10
         beq $0, $0, loop    # b loop
         ori $2, $0, 10      # done

     memory map of text section
address      contents
	     hex          binary
0080 0000    3c06 0040    0011 1100 0000 0110 0000 0000 0100 0000 (lui)
0080 0004    34c6 0004    0011 0100 1100 0110 0000 0000 0000 0100 (ori)
0080 0008    8cc7 0004    1000 1100 1100 0111 0000 0000 0000 0100 (lw)
0080 000c    012a 0018    0000 0001 0010 1010 0000 0000 0001 1000 (mult)
0080 0010    1000 fffd    0001 0000 0000 0000 1111 1111 1111 1101 (beq)
0080 0014    3402 000a    0011 0100 0000 0010 0000 0000 0000 1010 (ori)
0080 0018    0000 000c    0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 1100 (syscall)


The assembler starts at the beginning of the ASCII source
code.  It scans for tokens, and takes action based on those

---  .data
   A directive that tells the assembler that what will come next
   are to be placed in the data portion of memory.
---  a1:  
   A label.  Put it in the symbol table.  Assign an address.
   Assume that the program data starts at address 0x0080 0000.


branch offset computation.
    at execution time (for taken branch):
     contents of PC + sign extended offset field | 00 --> PC

     PC points to instruction after the beq when offset is added.

    at assembly time:

    byte offset = target addr - ( 4 + beq addr )

		= 00800008 - ( 00000004 + 00800010 )  (hex)

                    (ordered to give POSITIVE result)
		 0000 0000 1000 0000 0000 0000 0001 0100
	      -  0000 0000 1000 0000 0000 0000 0000 1000
		 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 1100 (byte offset)

		 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 0011
	       +                                       1
		 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 0100  (-12)

		 we have 16 bit offset field.
		 throw away least significant 2 bits
		   (they should always be 0, and they are added
		    back at execution time)

	 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 0100 (byte offset)
	                  11 1111 1111 1111 01   (offset field)

jump target computation.

    at execution time:
     most significant 4 bits of PC || target field | 00 --> PC
					(26 bits)

    at assembly time, to get the target field:
	 take 32 bit target address,
	   eliminate least significant 2 bits (word address!)
	     eliminate most significant 4 bits

	 what remains is 26 bits, and it goes in the target field