# This SAL program checks for the divisibility of the entered # integer by 3,4 and 5. The focus of this assignment is on the use of # procedures with proper error checking and appropriate documentation.# Data Definitions
# Return addresses for the procedures indicated by their side
get_int_ra: .word # procedure get_int divisible_ra: .word # procedure divisible print_ra: .word # procedure print
int .word # entered integer divisor .word # current divisor of integer min_div: .word 3 # least value of divisor (for the loop) max_div: .word 5 # maximum value of divisor (for the loop) reminder: .word # holds the reminder after division rflag: .word # reminder flag --> 0 indicates divisible # 1 indicates not divisible
# Some character and string constants to provide nice user interface
newline: .byte '\n'
enter_str: .asciiz "\nEnter a positive integer(0 to quit): " neg_str : .asciiz "\nSorry! Try with a +ve integer\n " bye_str: .asciiz "\nBye Bye! Hope u enjoyed this \n\n" div_str: .asciiz " is evenly divisible by " ndiv_str: .asciiz " is not evenly divisible by "
# Code # This program inputs an integer, prints if it is evenly divisible by # 3,4 and 5 and repeats until the user enters 0. For negative integers # an error message is given
.text __start: la get_int_ra,rtn1 # load return address for proc get_int b get_int rtn1: blez int,wrong # go to wrong if the integer is <= 0 move divisor,min_div # divisor is initialised to min_div(loop) divide_loop: la divisible_ra,increment # load retaddr for proc divisible b divisible increment: add divisor,divisor,1 # increment divisor ble divisor,max_div,divide_loop # if divisor <= max_div loop b __start # go back to the repeat loop wrong: beqz int,end # check if int = 0 (--> quit) puts neg_str # int is negative b __start end: puts bye_str # end of program done
# get_int inputs an integer
get_int: puts enter_str get int b (get_int_ra)
# procedure divisible checks if int is evenly divisible by divisor
divisible: move rflag,0 # initialise rflag to 0 rem reminder,int,divisor # reminder= int mod divisor beqz reminder,call_print # if reminder=0 call print proc move rflag,1 # else set rflag and call print call_print: la print_ra,div_ret # loading return addr for print b print div_ret: b (divisible_ra)
# procedure print checks if reminder flag is set or not. # If reset, it prints evenly divisible # If set, it prints not divisible
print: put newline put int beqz rflag,print_div puts ndiv_str # not divisible put divisor put newline b print_ret print_div: puts div_str # divisible put divisor put newline print_ret: b (print_ra)
For this assignment, Documentation, Error checking and coding style have been taken into account besides a working code. Following is the relative importance of the categories :
For this and all future assignments, the first copy that we come across will be graded. So, make sure that you go over your work before handing it in.