Chapter 13 -- performance features

Architectural Features used to enhance performance

  (loosely following chapter 13)
What is a "better" computer?  What is the "best" computer?
  The factors involved are generally cost and performance.

  COST FACTORS: cost of hardware design
		cost of software design (OS, applications)
		cost of manufacture
		cost to end purchaser
		what programs will be run?
		how frequently will they be run?
		how big are the programs?
		how many users?
		how sophisticated are the users?
		what I/O devices are necessary?

  (this chapter discusses ways of increasing performance)

There are two ways to make computers go faster.
 1. Wait a year.  Implement in a faster/better/newer technology.
    More transistors will fit on a single chip.
    More pins can be placed around the IC.
    The process used will have electronic devices (transistors)
      that switch faster.

 2. new/innovative architectures and architectural features.

Known in current technologies:  the time to access data
   from memory is an order of magnitude greater than a
   CPU operation.

   For example:  if a 32-bit 2's complement addition takes 1 time unit,
   then a load of a 32-bit word takes about 10 time units.

Since every instruction takes at least one memory access (for
the instruction fetch), the performance of computer is dominated
by its memory access time.

  (to try to help this difficulty, we have load/store architectures,
   where most instructions take operands only from memory.  We also
   try to have fixed size, SMALL size, instructions.)

what we really want:
   very fast memory -- of the same speed as the CPU
   very large capacity -- 512 Mbytes
   low cost -- $50

   these are mutually incompatible.  The faster the memory,
   the more expensive it becomes.  The larger the amount of
   memory, the slower it becomes.

What we can do is to compromise.  Take advantage of the fact
(fact, by looking at many real programs) that memory accesses
are not random.  They tend to exhibit LOCALITY.
  LOCALITY -- nearby.
  2 kinds:

  Locality in time (temporal locality)
    if data has been referenced recently, it is likely to
    be referenced again (soon!).

    example:  the instructions with in a loop.  The loop is
    likely to be executed more than once.  Therefore, each
    instruction gets referenced repeatedly in a short period
    of time.

    example: The top of stack is repeatedly referenced within
    a program.

  Locality in space (spacial locality)
    if data has been referenced recently, then data nearby
    (in memory) is likely to be referenced soon.

    example:  array access.  The elements of an array are
    neighbors in memory, and are likely to be referenced
    one after the other.

    example: instruction streams.  Instructions are located
    in memory next to each other.  Our model for program
    execution says that unless the PC is explicitly changed
    (like a branch or jump instruction) sequential instructions
    are fetched and executed. 

We can use these tendencies to advantage by keeping likely
to be referenced (soon) data in a faster memory than main
memory.  This faster memory is called a CACHE.

	CPU-cache   <----------------> memory

It is located very close to the CPU.  It contains COPIES of
PARTS of memory.

A standard way of accessing memory, for a system with a cache:
 (The programmer doesn't see or know about any of this)
 instruction fetch (or load or store) goes to the cache.
 If the data is in the cache, then we have a HIT.
  The data is handed over to the CPU, and the memory access is completed.
 If the data is not in the cache, then we have a MISS.
   The instruction fetch (or load or store) is then sent on
   to main memory.

 On average, the time to do a memory access is

       = cache access time + (% misses  *  memory access time)

This average (mean) access time will change for each program.
It depends on the program, and its reference pattern, and how
that pattern interracts with the cache parameters.


cache is managed by hardware

	Keep recently-accessed block -- exploits temporal locality

	Break memory into aligned blocks (lines) e.g. 32 bytes
		-- exploits spatial locality

	transfer data to/from cache in blocks

	put block in "block frame"
		state (e.g valid)
		address tag

>>>> simple CACHE DIAGRAM here <<<<

   if the tag is present, and if VALID bit active,
     then there is a HIT, and a portion of the block is returned.

   if the tag is not present or the VALID bit is not active,
     then there is a MISS, and the block must be loaded from memory.

     The block is placed in the cache (valid bit set, data written)
     a portion of the block is returned.


	Memory words:

		0x11c	0xe0e0e0e0
		0x120	0xffffffff
		0x124	0x00000001
		0x128	0x00000007
		0x12c	0x00000003
		0x130	0xabababab

	A 16-byte cache block frame:

		state	tag	data (16 bytes == 4 words)
		invalid	0x????	??????

	lw $4, 0x128

	Is tag 0x120 in cache?  (0x128 mod 16 = 0x128 & 0xfffffff0)

	No, load block

	A 16-byte cache block frame:

		state	tag	data (16 bytes == 4 words)
		valid	0x120	0xffffffff, 0x00000001, 0x00000007, 0x00000003

	Return 0x0000007 to CPU to put in $4

	lw $5, 0x124

	Is tag 0x120 in cache?

	Yes, return 0x00000001 to CPU

Beyond the scope of this class:
	block and block frames divided in "sets" (equivalence
	  classes) to speed lookup.
	terms: fully-associative, set-associative, direct-mapped

	cache:  instruction cache 1 cycle
	        data cache 1 cycle
	main memory 20 cycles

Performance for data references w/ miss ratio 0.02 (2% misses)

        mean access time = cache-access + miss-ratio * memory-access
			 =       1     +   0.02     *  20
			 =       1.4

Typical cache size is 64K byte given a 64Mbyte memory
	20 times faster
	1/1000 the capacity
	often contains 98% of the references



recently accessed blocks are in the cache (temporal locality)

the cache is smaller than main memory, so not all blocks are in the cache.

blocks are larger than 1 word (spacial locality)

This idea of exploiting locality is (can be) done at many
levels.  Implement a hierarchical memory system:

  smallest, fastest, most expensive memory         (registers)
  relatively small, fast, expensive memory         (CACHE)
  large, fast as possible, cheaper memory          (main memory)
  largest, slowest, cheapest (per bit) memory       (disk)

registers are managed/assigned by compiler or asm. lang programmer
cache is managed/assigned by hardware or partially by OS
main memory is managed/assigned by OS
disk managed by OS

Programmer's model:  one instruction is fetched and executed at
  a time.

Computer architect's model:  The effect of a program's execution are
  given by the programmer's model.  But, implementation may be

  To make execution of programs faster, we attempt to exploit
  PARALLELISM:  doing more than one thing at one time.

  program level parallelism:  Have one program run parts of itself
    on more than one computer.  The different parts occasionally
    synch up (if needed), but they run at the same time.
  instruction level parallelism (ILP):  Have more than one instruction
    within a single program executing at the same time.

   A task is broken down into steps.
   Assume that there are N steps, each takes the same amount of time.

   (Mark Hill's) EXAMPLE:  car wash

     steps:  P -- prep
	     W -- wash
	     R -- rinse
	     D -- dry
	     X -- wax

     assume each step takes 1 time unit

     time to wash 1 car (red) = 5 time units
     time to wash 3 cars (red, green, blue) = 15 time units

     which car      time units
		1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15
       red      P  W  R  D  X
       green                   P  W  R  D  X
       blue                                   P  W  R  D  X

   a PIPELINE overlaps the steps

     which car      time units
		1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15
       red      P  W  R  D  X
       green       P  W  R  D  X
       blue           P  W  R  D  X
       yellow            P  W  R  D  X


   Pipelining can be done in computer hardware.

 2-stage pipeline
    F -- instruction fetch
    E -- instruction execute (everything else)

    which instruction       time units
			1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8 . . .
       1                F  E
       2                   F  E
       3                      F  E
       4                         F  E

       time for 1 instruction =  2 time units

       rate of instruction execution = pipeline depth * (1 / time for     )
         (INSTRUCTION THROUGHPUT)                           1 instruction
				     =        2       * (1 /   2)
				     =   1 per time unit

 5-stage pipeline

 a currently popular pipelined implementation
    (R2000/3000 has 5 stages, R6000 has 5 stages (but different),
     R4000 has 8 stages)

	IF -- instruction fetch
	ID -- instruction decode (and get operands from registers)
	EX -- ALU operation (can be effective address calculation)
	MA -- memory access
	WB -- write back (results written to register(s))

    which       time units
instruction   1   2   3   4   5   6   7  8 . . .
     1        IF  ID  EX  MA  WB
     2            IF  ID  EX  MA  WB
     3                IF  ID  EX  MA  WB

    INSTRUCTION LATENCY = 5 time units
    INSTRUCTION THROUGHPUT = 5 * (1 / 5) = 1 instruction per time unit

unfortunately, pipelining introduces other difficulties. . .

 data dependencies

 suppose we have the following code:
   lw   $8, data1
   addi $9, $8, 1

   the data loaded doesn't get written to $8 until WB,
     but the addi instruction wants to get the data out of $8
     it its ID stage. . .

    which       time units
instruction   1   2   3   4   5   6   7  8 . . .
    lw        IF  ID  EX  MA  WB
    addi          IF  ID  EX  MA  WB
	the simplest solution is to STALL the pipeline.
	(Also called HOLES, HICCOUGHS or BUBBLES in the pipe.)

    which       time units
instruction   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8 . . .
    lw        IF  ID  EX  MA  WB
    addi          IF  ID  ID  ID  EX  MA  WB
		      ^^  ^^  ^^ (pipeline stalling)

   A DATA DEPENDENCY (also called a HAZARD) causes performance to

 more on data dependencies

   Read After Write (RAW) --
     (example given), a read of data is needed before it has been written

   Given for completeness, not a difficulty to current pipelines in
     practice, since the only writing occurs as the last stage.

         Write After Read (WAR) --
         Write After Write (WAR) --

   NOTE:  there is no difficulty implementing a 2-stage pipeline
   due to DATA dependencies!

 control dependencies

 what happens to a pipeline in the case of branch instructions?


        b  label1
        addi  $9, $8, 1
label1: mult $8, $9

    which       time units
instruction   1   2   3   4   5   6   7  8 . . .
     b        IF  ID  EX  MA  WB
			      ^^ (PC changed here)
    addi          IF  ID  EX  MA  WB
		  ^^  (WRONG instruction fetched here!)

	whenever the PC changes (except for PC <- PC + 4),

	CONTROL DEPENDENCIES break pipelines.  They cause
	performance to plummet.

	So, lots of (partial) solutions have been implemented
	to try to help the situation.
	  Worst case, the pipeline must be stalled such that
	  instructions are going through sequentially.

	Note that just stalling doesn't really help, since
	  the (potentially) wrong instruction is fetched
	  before it is determined that the previous instruction
	  is a branch.

 (or, how to minimize the effect of control dependencies on pipelines.)

 easiest solution (poor performance)
    Cancel anything (later) in the pipe when a branch (jump) is decoded.
    This works as long as nothing changes the program's state
    before the cancellation.  Then let the branch instruction
    finish (flush the pipe), and start up again.

       which       time units
   instruction   1   2   3   4   5   6   7  8 . . .
        b        IF  ID  EX  MA  WB
			         ^^ (PC changed here)
       addi          IF              IF  ID  EX  MA  WB
		     ^^ (cancelled) 

 branch Prediction (static or dynamic)
   add lots of extra hardware to try to help.

   a)  (static)  assume that the branch will not be taken
       When the decision is made, the hw "knows" if the correct
       instruction has been partially executed.

       If the correct instruction is currently in the pipe,
	 let it (and all those after it) continue.  Then,
	 there will be NO holes in the pipe.
       If the incorrect instruction is currently in the pipe,
	 (meaning that the branch was taken), then all instructions
	 currently in the pipe subsequent to the branch must
   b)  (dynamic) A variation of (a).  
       Have some extra hw that keeps track of which branches have
       been taken in the recent past.  Design the hw to presume that
       a branch will be taken the same way it was previously.
       If the guess is wrong, back out as in (a).

       Question for the advanced student:  Which is better, (a) or (b)? Why?

   NOTE:  solution (a) works quite well with currently popular
      pipeline solutions, because no state information is changed
      until the very last stage of an instruction.  As long as
      the last stage hasn't started, backing out is a matter
      of stopping the last stage from occuring and getting the
      PC right.

 separate test from branch
   make the conditional test and address calculation
   separate instructions from the one that changes the PC.

   This reduces the number of holes in the pipe.

 delayed branch
   MIPS solution.
   The concept:  prediction is always wrong
   sometime.  There will be holes in the pipe when the prediction
   is wrong.  So the goal is to reduce (eliminate?) the number of
   holes in the case of a branch.

   The mechanism:
     Have the effect of a branch (the change of the PC) be delayed
     until a subsequent instruction.  This means that the instruction
     following a branch is executed independent of whether the
     branch is to be taken or not.

     (NOTE: the simulator completely ignores this delayed branch

      code example:
	  add $8, $9, $10
	  beq $3, $4,  label
	  move $18, $5
    label:  sub $20, $21, $22

  is turned into the following by a MIPS assembler:
	  add $8, $9, $10
	  beq $3, $4,  label
	  nop                  # really a pipeline hole, the DELAY SLOT
	  move $18, $5
    label:  sub $20, $21, $22

  If the assembler has any smarts at all, it would REARRANGE
  the code to be
	  beq $3, $4,  label
	  add $8, $9, $10
	  move $18, $5
    label:  sub $20, $21, $22

  This code can be rearranged only if there are no data
  dependencies between the branch and the add instructions.
  In fact, any instruction from before the branch (and after any
  previous branch) can be moved into the DELAY SLOT, as long as
  there are no dependencies on it.

  Delayed branching depends on a smart assembler (sw) to make
  the hardware perform at peak efficiency.  This is a general
  trend in the field of computer science.  Let the sw do more
  and more to improve performance of the hw.

   A fancy name for branch prediction that always presumes the
   branch will be taken,  and keeps a copy of the PC that will
   be needed in the case of backing out.

 condition codes
   a historically significant way of branching.  Condition codes
   were used on MANY machines before pipelining became popular.

   4 1-bit registers (condition code register):
     N -- negative
     V -- overflow
     P -- positive
     Z -- zero

  The result of an instruction set these 4 bits.
  Conditional branches were then based on these flags.

  Example:  bn label       # branch to label if the N bit is set

  Earlier computers had virtually every instruction set the
  condition codes.  This had the effect that the test (for
  the branch) needed to come directly before the branch.
	sub r3, r4, r5    # blt $4, $5, label 
	bn  label

  A performance improvement (sometimes) to this allowed the
  programmer to explicitly specify which instructions should
  set the condition codes.  In this way, (on a pipelined machine)
  the test could be separated from the branch, resulting in
  fewer pipeline holes due to data dependencies.


Amdahl's Law

(Or why the common case matters most)

speedup = new rate / old rate 

        = old execution time / new execution time

We program in some enhancement to part of our program.
  The fraction of time spent in that part of the code is f.
  The speedup of that part of the code (f) is S.

  ( Let an enhancement speedup f fraction of the time by speedup S)

speedup = [(1-f)+f]*old time / (1-f) * old time + f/S * old time

	=    1
	  1-f + f/S


	    f	    S		speedup
	   ---	   ---		-------
	   95%	   1.10		1.094
	    5%	   10		1.047
	    5%	   inf		1.052

lim		   1
		---------	=  1/ 1-f
S --> inf	1-f + f/S
	 f	speedup
	---	-------
	1%      1.01
	2%      1.02
	5%      1.05
	10%     1.11
	20%     1.25
	50%     2.00

This says that we should concentrate on the common case!